Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blaise's B-day Party

Blaise wanted nothing other than a sleepover this year for his Birthday. So, being the nice Mom & Dad that we are, we said, "OK." We told him he could invite 8 friends for the sleepover, and he quickly asked if he could invite more since there would be some friends that would not be able to make it. Well, lets just say all 12 boys showed up and we had a house full of 8 year olds.Blaise wanted, "Kirby," cupcakes which is a Wii character and happens to be pink. It was his birthday, so Kirby cupcakes were on the menu. I will not comment on my Kirby skills, lets just say they resembled Kirby.
After taking all 12 children to the movies (Thanks Erin and Jennifer A. for helping) our neighbor came over and juggled fire. It was really neat, and the boys loved it. Blaise held the extinguisher in case the fire got out of hand ;)
We moved our dining room table against a wall and all the boys lined up their sleeping bags and played with Lego's until around midnight.
John made his famous chocolate chip pancakes the following morning and then we sent them outside for a water balloon war.
As you can tell, Ethan is outside in his pj pants and whacking the boys with Addi's shovel.


Christy said...

You took 12 boys to the movies? You must be insane :)

Looks like they had a great time. Fire juggler is very cool!

Farrar Family said...

How fun!!! 12 kids and you survived!! Way to go!!! :) The cupcakes look great!!