Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fire Station Tour

Today our playgroup visited the Fire Station for a tour. It was so much fun to watch the kiddos stand in amazement as the Men in Uniform showed us around. They were all on their best behavior and their attention span was right on cue! Here is Madalyn & Addi eating their icing cookie and looking very social.
This is such a stinkin' cute picture of the two.
I caught a glimpse of Ethan today and thought to myself.... He looks so much like Blaise. The only difference is the eye color. Blaise has blue eyes and Ethan has brown. Ethan even has Blaise's baby curls.
We had a great time, we are missing a few children in the picture, they were checking out the rescue boat. Lisa, another member of our playgroup could not make it today, so we missed her and Landon!
The kiddos were watching another firefighter put on his uniform. They want the children to see a firefighter dressed in full uniform so they won't be scared if they ever have to pay a visit to your house, how clever!
Everyone had a chance to sit in the seat of the big Red Fire Engine. Addi was up for the idea until she actually sat in the seat, then it was time to get down. I really enjoyed today, it was a nice change of pace.


Christy said...

How fun! Addi's hair is getting so long, and she's just a doll. I don't know now if she looks more like you or John.

Jen said...

Such fun pictures!! I have to get copies from you! The girls are so cute together - best buds! The first picture looks like they're checking out each other's cookie to see if they like the other's better! Ha! Great group picture, too!

Farrar Family said...

What great pics! They are so cute and what a fun idea! Addi is adorable and Ethan does look like Blaise. I never noticed before how much!! You look great!! I miss you tons!!